with Dave & Amelia Petrunia

Please click the video link to hear our welcome!

Articles coming soon!!!

The closer you come to me, the greater your surrender, the clearer your vision will become, beloved. So, lay aside the doubt. Trust in my love. Lean into me and be very courageous.
Again, I say to you as I have said in the past: I will be with you always. I will never leave you nor forsake you. These are my promises to you if you will continue to surrender your life to me. You will not always understand, and that is as it should be. You are not the Creator. I AM. And I understand it all. That is as it should be. You be courageous enough to believe that I will be with you as you follow me. Be courageous enough to believe that I will always keep my word. Be courageous enough to know that I love you and have all the provision you will ever need. Be courageous enough to know that your surrender to me will cause your cup to overflow with the abundance of my love for you, so that you cannot contain it.
You have read of my power. You have read of my love. Be courageous, my little ones. I will see you through.