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Everything Will Change

Message 1.23.2023

Includes Notes 



Do not take the Lord everywhere you go.

Go everywhere the Lord takes you.


Proverbs 3:5,6


In a moment of time.

In the blink of an eye.

In the flash of the lightning.

Before the peal of the thunder…


Everything will change.  Everything will change.


Behind closed doors the wicked make their plans. They sit in league with devils, with demons and the enemy himself.  They clap their hands and applaud their wisdom, which is from below.  They devise the destruction of mankind and in their pride – in their blinded arrogance – they increase their boldness day by day, believing that nothing can stop them, nothing can stay their hand.  They look down on My creation with smug disdain, sure that even I – the Creator of all things – including them – am powerless or too weak and insufficient in ability to stop them. They have believed their own lies for so long that they will never repent – they will never turn back…


And they will be destroyed.


Do not fear them, My people.  Neither be like them. 


Beware of pride.  It will destroy all who embrace it.


Do you know the strength of humility?  I have said to you that I want you to humble yourselves under My mighty hand and that in due season I will lift you up. Humility is strength. It is the laying down of self-preservation and self-glorification in exchange for the honoring of the Lord God Almighty.  It is the wisdom of gratitude for the Creator who gives the breath of life and has the power to not only give, but to take away.  It is the awareness, the understanding that everything and everyone is subject to My terms of Eternity and Eternal Life, as well as eternal damnation and death, which are Mine alone to determine.  It is the unchangeable truth that the rules are and will forever be Mine to make and Mine to enforce.  And enforce them I will. I surely will.


Humility draws us to each other.

Pride repulses us and repels us from one another.

Humility shows the way to the shelter of My wings.

Pride blinds the way to My shelter and leads to the chaos of darkness.


Humility submits to My words and My voice.

Pride argues with Me and rebels against My words, My wisdom, and My commands.

Humility chooses My voice above all else.

Pride reasons out why obedience is not important and submission is a legalistic mindset.

Humility is strength when it is in Me.

Pride is weakness, when it appears anywhere, at any time in anyone.

Humility is found in Eternal Life. 

Pride is found in the eternally damned.


Do not be afraid of the proud.  Be careful to guard your hearts so that you do not become like them.  Search yourself and see if there is pride found anywhere in you.  If there is, crush it, repent, and ask Me to forgive you.  I will.  I surely will.  If you want Me to direct your paths, you must be humble.  If you want to know Me intimately, you must be humble.  There is no other way than through humility to come to know Me intimately.  I paid the price for you to be able to have that intimate relationship with Me through the Gift of My Son and the sacrifice He made for you.  Be humble.


You must be willing to lay aside everything else – every agenda you have to preserve yourself, your interests, your aspirations, your opinions, and be willing to know what I want and to do what I say. 


I know you will not always get it right, but in those times when you fail, you must be willing to humble yourself, repent and seek My forgiveness.  In that place of repentance and humility, I will meet you. And I will forgive.


Do not argue with My Spirit.  Do not justify your behavior when it is contrary to what I have said or revealed to you. That is pride and I will resist you if you persist in arguing or in justification.


I am not saying you cannot ask Me for understanding.  I want you to learn the wisdom that comes from Me.  In every good relationship, there is conversation and it should be so in ours.  But there are and will be times when you will not understand and when I will not immediately give understanding.  That is My wisdom, also.  Sometimes it will be a trial that will challenge your humility before Me, and I will allow it to help strengthen your trust in Me.  No good parent tells their child the reason for every decision, and that is also wisdom.  Sometimes it is because of the child’s immaturity and inability to properly handle the information that is being withheld.  No good parent has to answer to or explain everything.  The danger in doing so is that the child will then decide if the parent’s decision is worthy of obedience.  Judging a parent’s worthiness of being obeyed is pride.  No one without full wisdom and knowledge can accurately judge the motivations behind the actions of another – or the purposes for those actions. To do so is pride.


Humility is trust.  Humility is the honoring of the one being submitted to.


To this day, people question why I have not returned to end the destruction being perpetrated by the enemy. People grow weary and many turn their backs to Me because they think – they have judged – and they think in their own earthly wisdom that I am failing in some – or in many ways.


As I said to Job thousands of years ago,

“Dress yourself for action like a man.  I will question you, and you make it known to Me. 

Will you even put Me in the wrong?  Will you condemn Me that you may be in the right?

Have you an arm like God and can you thunder with a voice like His?

Adorn yourself with majesty and dignity.  Clothe yourself with splendor.  Pour out the overflowings of your anger and look on everyone who is proud and abase him, and tread down the wicked where they stand. Hide them all in the dust together.  Bind their faces in the world below.  Then will I also acknowledge to you that your own right hand can save you.”  Job 40:7-14


If you want My peace, stay humble.  Do not underestimate the impact of humility when it is directed toward Me.  Do not humble yourself to idols, or to people who want your worship.  Bow down before My throne and no one else’s, including your own.  If you have a throne that has pride sitting on it, destroy that throne.  Let the name of the throne in your life be ‘Humility” and I will be pleased to be seated there.


Fear no man, neither walk in pride.  Fear only Me.  That is wisdom.  Again I say to you this day:  Humble yourself in My sight.  Let me see in your life that which makes you a reflection of the image of your Savior, who humbled Himself and gave His life for you, and I will one day lift you up to be seated on the place I have for you in My throne.  I will direct your footsteps along the path as you trust in Me, humbly acknowledging Me in every circumstance without regard to your own earthly understanding.  For in humility your obedience and confidence in Me will find fertile soil for My kingdom to grow in you.


As I said, everything will change.  There is yet much that will come to pass in the earth.  But do not think for one moment that My hand will not move – that I will not save, for I will.  Do not think for one moment that I will be mocked by those who refuse to repent.  My arm is not shortened.  I can reach them all.  Do not think that I will not repay them.  They have purchased their places in the Lake of Fire with their unyielding pride, and they will receive full measure for what they have bought.  The smoke of their burning will ascend forever in recognition of the mighty justice of the Lord God Almighty.  I will strike them down with a fury that causes creation to thunder and shake the heavens with shouts of praise and extreme adoration…in awe of the Almighty Strength and Power of The One True God – Holy – Perfect and Pure – Righteous, Just and True – Without Equal – The Beginning and The End –

And it shall be done according to My word.


In A Moment of Time

In The Twinkling of An Eye

In The Flash of the Swift Lightning of My Sword

Before the Peal of The Thunder Sounds…




(The following are things He brought to mind to share with you as I continued to prepare to share the message posted above…)


The Humble are repentant.

The Humble are obedient.

The Proud are not.

The Humble accept correction.

The Proud do not.


Learn the differences between true and false humility.


False humility is based in people pleasing and hides behind the mask of humility.  It is still self-preservation/self-glorification but is deceptive in its true intentions.  So how do we respond when confronted by opposition – either through opinions or actions, words of others, changes in circumstances, etc.?  False humility is easily offended.


If you are proud of your humility, there’s still a pride issue.


The strength of true humility toward Father God keeps us pressing in and following Him, no matter where the journey takes us.  Humility towards God does not mean weakness.  It does not mean caving in to bullies or oppressors.  It means being wise enough to seek God’s direction in times of trial and then to do what Father directs, regardless of the reactions or opinions of others.  Regardless of any words spoken by others or the results that obedience will bring.


Humility toward God put Yeshua on the tree. It will put us on the tree, also.  Humility before God defeated Satan and paid for our sins.  It was pure obedience, without regard to the effect it would have in his body – even to the very act of dying.  It was without regard to how He would be viewed by people or even how he would be mocked by the demons that taunted Him.  His true humility was pure love that kept His focus on pleasing God – obeying God regardless of the costs to Himself.  For the joy set before Him, for His place at the Father’s right hand, for the ones He came to seek and save, for the lost, He counted His own life a small price to pay, for He was not proud in His own eyes.


True humility has no timeline or cut-off time.  True humility says it will endure to the end.  It says that Father is the One Who decides when the end will be. 


True humility holds hands with obedience, which equals love in God’s mind.


Yeshua said in John 10:32

32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?

Yeshua said in John 14:12,

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (KJV)


Some of the things Yeshua did are listed below …

He spent time with Father God

He studied the scriptures.

He raised the dead.

He healed the sick.

He forgave the sinners.

He spoke the word in scripture.

He kept the commandments and taught them.

He rebuked the religious system.

He didn’t seek glory for Himself.

He submitted Himself to the will of God.

He exposed the wolves/false teachers/false doctrines.

He prayed for God’s people – not the world.

He served His disciples – washed their feet.

He grew in stature and favor with God and man.

He preached the gospel.

He rebuked and cast out demons.

He set captives free (through words & by dying for us.)

He comforted the distressed.

He always spoke truth.

He never wavered.

He finished the assignment, even though it was difficult!

He was baptized.

He kept the feasts.

He said, “Do what you’ve seen me do.

He paid for our sins.


Humility is NOT WEAKNESS


Humility is strength when it is directed toward GOD.


Yeshua was the Perfect Example of Humility.

He didn’t seek His own will.

He sought Father’s will.

He served God in obedience and humility.

He said the words He spoke were Father’s words, not His.

He served mankind in humble obedience to God’s command.


When He chased the money-changers out of the Temple, He was helping us see that it was important to protect the ‘holiness’, set-apartness of God’s temple – which is what we are.  He was teaching us not to be defiled by the world’s systems.  He was strong in His rebuke yet didn’t lose humility in the process.  Truth is truth.  He was strong in truth because He IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE.


Even with the Scribes and Pharisees, He was teaching us not to be steeped in the religious system, and to be careful to guard against doubt, unbelief in Him, Who He was/is, His resurrection, sinless life,

and pride.


Father says:

Do not look to political leaders.  

(There are many false prophets pointing to a person or political party.)

We will not have a human savior.

We will not have a governmental savior.

We will not have a pastor/minister/ savior.

There is only One Savior.


We will each choose which savior we will put our confidence in.

And we will each choose who will be our Lord.


If our Lord is Yeshua…we will follow and humbly obey…even when we don’t feel like it!


Everything will change.  Will we?

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